


Preferential regime for transfer / inheritance of family businesses: positive news for real estate participations

Family businesses and shares of family businesses can be transferred or inherited at an advantageous rate in the registration and inheritance tax. In the Flemish Region this rate is 0% for gifts, and 3% or 7% for inheritances. One of the conditions applicable to companies regards the exercise of a genuine economic activity. Even though the Flemish tax authority (VLABEL) interprets them strictly, a recent decision somehow nuances this in the interest of companies with important real estate participations.

Family businesses and shares of family businesses can be transferred or inherited at an advantageous rate in the registration and inheritance tax. In the Flemis…

2 June 2020

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Key practical aspects of the new property law

On 30 January 2020, the bill on the new Book 3 “Property” of the Belgian Civil Code was approved. It involves profound changes, the most striking of which relate to the real estate sector. In this article we set out the practical implications of the most important of these changes. The bill also contains new provisions concerning movable property, intellectual property rights, animals, etc., which will not be discussed in this article.

On 30 January 2020, the bill on the new Book 3 "Property" of the Belgian Civil Code was approved. It involves profound changes, the most striking of which relat…

1 April 2020

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The new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations: 7 practical novelties

As from 1 January 2020, the mandatory provisions and also – to the extent that nothing is stipulated in the articles of association of the concerned company – the default rules of the new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations (hereinafter “BCC”) are fully applicable to all companies. This means that, as from 1 January 2020, you, as an entrepreneur, have to take into account a number of additional rules. In the present article, we clarify 7 practical novelties in the BCC for you.

As from 1 January 2020, the mandatory provisions and also – to the extent that nothing is stipulated in the articles of association of the concerned company …

24 February 2020

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Chambers global practice guide – Corporate tax 2020

Global law firm De Langhe Advocaten has contributed to Corporate Tax (Law and Practice) 2020, published by Chambers Global Practice Guides. The Corporate Tax Practice Guide provides expert legal commentary on key issues for businesses. Frank De Langhe, managing partner and Head of Tax;  Evert Moonen and Justine Bouckaert, associates, co-authored the Law and Practice – […]

Global law firm De Langhe Advocaten has contributed to Corporate Tax (Law and Practice) 2020, published by Chambers Global Practice Guides. The Corporate T…

21 February 2020

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Director’s liability: Cap possible?

The new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations (BCCA) entered into force on 1 May 2019. An important reform is the introduction of the liability limitation. Are you fully protected as a director? A brief explanation.

The new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations (BCCA) entered into force on 1 May 2019. An important reform is the introduction of the liability limitation.…

24 December 2019

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New Flemish government: Tax measures

The new Flemish government announced in its coalition agreement that the Flemish tax system will be thoroughly reformed. We explain the most striking reforms: those with regard to inheritance taxes and housing taxation.

The new Flemish government announced in its coalition agreement that the Flemish tax system will be thoroughly reformed. We explain the most striking reforms: t…

5 December 2019

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Tax consolidation in Belgium – Something for you?

With the corporate tax reform (through the Act of 25 December 2017, and later amended by the repair legislation of 30 July 2018), the possibility of tax consolidation was also introduced in Belgium. From assessment year 2020 (linked to a taxable period starting no earlier than 1 January 2019), companies may apply the group contribution scheme (Articles 205/5, 185, §4, 194 septies and 198, §1, 15° Belgian Income Tax Code). In this Article we will limit ourselves to the main points of the aforementioned legislation.

With the corporate tax reform (through the Act of 25 December 2017, and later amended by the repair legislation of 30 July 2018), the possibility of tax consoli…

31 October 2019

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Further “extension” with respect to the registration formalities in the UBO-register

The Belgian Federal Public Service Finance has decided not to impose any fines, until 31 December 2019, to the governing corporate body for the lack of, faulty or incomplete registration in the UBO-register before the deadline of 30 September 2019.

The Belgian Federal Public Service Finance has decided not to impose any fines, until 31 December 2019, to the governing corporate body for the lack of, faulty …

2 October 2019

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Reform of the Belgian Civil Code

On 14 May 2019 the Act was published that introduced the framework of a new Belgian Civil Code.

On 14 May 2019 the Act was published that introduced the framework of a new Belgian Civil Code.

2 August 2019

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Retroactive abolition of the minimum remuneration requirement

In our newsletter of 24 October 2018 we informed you of the latest state of affairs regarding the minimum remuneration requirement introduced by the Belgian law of 25 December 2017 and amended by the remedial legislation of 30 July 2018.

In our newsletter of 24 October 2018 we informed you of the latest state of affairs regarding the minimum remuneration requirement introduced by the Belgian law…

10 June 2019

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VAT on real estate leasing: What about the refund of historical VAT?

In previous editions of this magazine we presented an overview of the changes envisaged by the legislator with regard to the optional VAT on real estate leasing. This legislation has been in force since 1 January 2019 and this option can now be implemented. However, the tax authorities were quick to express their own vision regarding the VAT deduction and refund of historical VAT under this legislation.

In previous editions of this magazine we presented an overview of the changes envisaged by the legislator with regard to the optional VAT on real estate leasing…

19 April 2019

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The New Belgian Code on Companies and Associations finally approved

It was all hanging in the balance until the very end, but on 28 February 2019 the new Code on Companies and Associations (abbreviated in Dutch as “WVV”) was finally approved by the Belgian Chamber of Representatives. The new code means a thorough reform, simplification and modernisation of the existing company law.

It was all hanging in the balance until the very end, but on 28 February 2019 the new Code on Companies and Associations (abbreviated in Dutch as “WVV”) was…

19 April 2019

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The General Court of the European Union rules that Belgian Excess Profit Ruling Scheme is not prohibited state aid

On 14 February 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union took a decision on the Belgian scheme of Excess Profit Rulings Scheme (see: The court annulled the decision of the European Commission that the scheme was considered prohibited state aid (Decision 2016/1699 of 11 January 2016).

On 14 February 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union took a decision on the Belgian scheme of Excess Profit Rulings Scheme (see: http://curia.europa.…

22 March 2019

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Guarantees and sureties… small print, big consequences

Despite the fact that interest rates have plummeted in recent years, it is still not easy to obtain financing for your business. In the event that your company cannot provide any mortgage or pledge in the form of real estate or substantial claims, it is possible that the bank will ask you, as shareholder/business manager, to provide a surety for the obligations of your company.

Despite the fact that interest rates have plummeted in recent years, it is still not easy to obtain financing for your business. In the event that your company …

4 March 2019

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Renovation of the Belgian property co-ownership law

On 1 January 2019, a certain number of new rules regarding the Belgian legislation on apartment co-ownership came into force. The so-called Apartment Act has been modified for the 4th time since its introduction in 1924. The most recent revision mainly focuses on relaxing the existing regulations so that renovations can be carried out more efficiently and in order to resolve disagreements between the co-owners. An overview of the “foundations” for the new legislation

On 1 January 2019, a certain number of new rules regarding the Belgian legislation on apartment co-ownership came into force. The so-called Apartment Act has b…

28 January 2019

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Tax reduction for capital increases in growth companies will soon be curbed

The Summer Agreement was intended among others to stimulate investments in growth companies. The government aimed to inject an extra boost into our economy by giving private individuals a tax benefit when they increase the capital of a growth company. The ink was not yet dry on the relevant legislative initiative and a number of important changes were already foreseen to prevent abuses.

The Summer Agreement was intended among others to stimulate investments in growth companies. The government aimed to inject an extra boost into our economy by g…

17 December 2018

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The right-hand man of Belgian entrepreneurs

By combining the best of a local law firm with the strengths of a top-tier company, De Langhe Attorneys is a trustworthy partner for many businesses presently in the Flemish market, or planning to enter. From their new office in Brussels, they work across the Belgian borders, specialising in international tax law.

By combining the best of a local law firm with the strengths of a top-tier company, De Langhe Attorneys is a trustworthy partner for many businesses presently i…

6 December 2018

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The right-hand man of entrepreneurs

Legal, tax and financial. The extensive team of specialists at De Langhe Attorneys guarantees a comprehensive approach to complex cases. “Our interwoven expertise definitely offers added value in the acquisition and disposal of companies,” says Sara Burm, head of the Corporate and M&A department.

Legal, tax and financial. The extensive team of specialists at De Langhe Attorneys guarantees a comprehensive approach to complex cases. "Our interwoven experti…

30 November 2018

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Persistence wins: draft VAT law on immovable property rental published

A year ago, we reported on the government’s intention to introduce a legal framework for VAT-taxed property rental. Now the final draft law has finally been published ( With a planned entry into force on January 1, 2019, it is worthwhile to provide the outlines now so that you can take this into account when planning your future projects.

A year ago, we reported on the government's intention to introduce a legal framework for VAT-taxed property rental. Now the final draft law has finally been pub…

24 October 2018

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Repair legislation clarifies minimum remuneration requirement for managers

The corporate income tax reform law of 25 December 2017 brought about many tax adjustments. One of the measures, the introduction/adjustment of the minimum remuneration requirement of EUR 45 000, created a number of uncertainties. With the Act of 30 July 2018, the legislator is now creating more clarity.

The corporate income tax reform law of 25 December 2017 brought about many tax adjustments. One of the measures, the introduction/adjustment of the minimum remu…

24 October 2018

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Anonymity will disappear: as from 30 November 2018, your shareholdership will have to be registered in the UBO register.

Following the abolition of bearer shares in 2005, the anonymity of shareholders is increasingly disappearing. The time that the (family) shareholder keeps the share register in a safe and frenetically clings to the confidentiality is disappearing.

Following the abolition of bearer shares in 2005, the anonymity of shareholders is increasingly disappearing. The time that the (family) shareholder keeps the s…

13 October 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys assists Obton with the acquisition of Greenfrun

After the takeover and subsequent refinancing of Fieva in 2016, Obton – a prominent Danish investment fund in renewable energy- has strengthened her position on the Belgian renewable energy market once more by acquiring the shares of Greenfrun.

After the takeover and subsequent refinancing of Fieva in 2016, Obton – a prominent Danish investment fund in renewable energy- has strengthened her position …

13 October 2018

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Outbound Acquisitions: Tax Planning for European Expansion in a Changing Landscape (2018)

Lead by Werner Heyvaert, the tax team of De Langhe Attorneys has completely updated the Belgian chapter of the digital book “Outbound Acquisitions: Tax Planning for European Expansion in a Changing Landscape” (2018 edition – published by the prestigious Practising Law Institute in New York – see

Lead by Werner Heyvaert, the tax team of De Langhe Attorneys has completely updated the Belgian chapter of the digital book “Outbound Acquisitions: Tax Planni…

21 September 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys assists Intermat with the acquisition of ABM

Once again, Intermat achieves to grow through acquisition. By taking over 100% of the shares of NV Alle Bouw Machines, Intermat realises a complementary growth of its activities in sale and renting of building equipment. Both geographically (Intermat is currently positioned in 5 different locations) and product wise.

Once again, Intermat achieves to grow through acquisition. By taking over 100% of the shares of NV Alle Bouw Machines, Intermat realises a complementary growth…

21 September 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys assists Vybros Invest with the acquisition of Raes Constructies

After the successful takeover of Berle earlier this year, Vybros expands – through Raes Constructies – her activities as technical service provider and in the area of metal construction works. At the same time, founder and strong entrepreneur André Raes commits to stay involved in the further development of the company.

After the successful takeover of Berle earlier this year, Vybros expands – through Raes Constructies - her activities as technical service provider and in the…

27 August 2018

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Dividend withholding tax: The Netherlands abolishes and France reduces for non-resident individuals. What is the impact for Belgian shareholders?

The Netherlands abolishes dividend withholding tax and France reduces its dividend withholding tax for non-resident individuals. What is the impact for Belgian shareholders?

The Netherlands abolishes dividend withholding tax and France reduces its dividend withholding tax for non-resident individuals. What is the impact for Belgian …

9 July 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys assists Vybros with its participation in Troost Mechanical Services.

Together with the current management directed by Walter Kestens (Tienen Invest Maatschappij), who also enter into the share capital of BV Troost Mechanical Services, Vybros engages itself to set a new course for the Dutch company. Vybros considers this investment as complementary to its current activities relating to technical services and metal processing.

Together with the current management directed by Walter Kestens (Tienen Invest Maatschappij), who also enter into the share capital of BV Troost Mechanical Serv…

28 June 2018

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The new interest deduction restriction

The interest that a company pays on loans is in principle deductible as a professional expense, provided that a number of thresholds are met.  One of these thresholds is the so-called “thin capitalisation regulation”, which limits the deduction of interest for companies that are over-indebted in relation to their equity (undercapitalisation).

The interest that a company pays on loans is in principle deductible as a professional expense, provided that a number of thresholds are met.  One of these thr…

27 June 2018

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Does the UBO register mean the end of your fiscal anonymity as a shareholder?

The Ultimate Beneficial Owners (“UBO”) register was established by the Act of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and implemented the fourth European Anti-Money Laundering Directive. The general principles were further elaborated by royal decree. The text is ready, only the publication is delayed.

The Ultimate Beneficial Owners (“UBO”) register was established by the Act of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of…

25 June 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys assists the family Carrette with the transfer of Westlease

After an era that almost spans half a century, the family Carrette has decided to hand over Westlease, the Belgian leasing company for small and medium sized companies, to Van Mossel Automotive Group, a prominent Dutch player on the leasing market with transnational ambitions. The collaboration between both companies shall undoubtedly strengthen their position on the Belgian market.

After an era that almost spans half a century, the family Carrette has decided to hand over Westlease, the Belgian leasing company for small and medium sized co…

7 June 2018

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Another good reason to check the municipal tax

Provinces, cities and municipalities have tax autonomy that allows them to impose and collect taxes. It is up to the local authorities to decide on the criterion and the amount of the tax, but always in accordance with higher authorities.  And there’s the rub….

Provinces, cities and municipalities have tax autonomy that allows them to impose and collect taxes. It is up to the local authorities to decide on the criterio…

31 May 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys assists Demeyer Construct in their acquisition of Berle

After years of being a driving force behind the Berle family business, the Samyn family decided to entrust the business to Demeyer Construct. The synergy between Demeyer Construct and Berle will undoubtedly encourage further growth for both companies.  The cohesion of both companies will offer growth opportunities to the employees and will result in a broader and better service to customers. Thanks to the long-term commitment of the former managers, a stable transition seems to be guaranteed.

After years of being a driving force behind the Berle family business, the Samyn family decided to entrust the business to Demeyer Construct. The synergy betwee…

17 May 2018

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The split purchase of real estate targeted by the tax authorities

The media recently reported that in the future the tax authorities will closely monitor if the valuation of the usufruct – in case of a split purchase (usufruct / bare ownership) of real estate – is performed on the basis of correct criteria.

The media recently reported that in the future the tax authorities will closely monitor if the valuation of the usufruct - in case of a split purchase (usufruct…

6 April 2018

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Tax implications if your sole proprietorship is discontinued

Anyone thinking of converting their sole proprietorship into a company in order to escape the progressive rates and benefit from the recently reduced rates should take into account a possible valuation of cessation gains.

Anyone thinking of converting their sole proprietorship into a company in order to escape the progressive rates and benefit from the recently reduced rates shou…

30 March 2018

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De Langhe Attorney’s assists with the incorporation of the network company Belgian Meat Partners and the acquisition of group Derwa

Boosted by Euro Meat Group located in Mouscron, five independent business partners from the meat industry (pork and beef) have joined forces within the newly incorporated network company Belgian Meat Partners. Together with Groep De Brauwer (Group Danis, The Duke of Berkshire®), Piron Gotta, Q-Food and Sobemax, the network company’s aim consists in further focussing on a sustainable and ethical Belgian meat business.

Boosted by Euro Meat Group located in Mouscron, five independent business partners from the meat industry (pork and beef) have joined forces within the newly in…

28 March 2018

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Importance of notional interest deduction diminishes

The notional interest deduction, introduced in 2005, was intended to eliminate the fiscal distinction between equity and debt for companies and to strengthen the development of SMEs.

The notional interest deduction, introduced in 2005, was intended to eliminate the fiscal distinction between equity and debt for companies and to strengthen th…

20 March 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys welcomes Werner Heyvaert and opens office in Brussels

1 March 2018, Werner Heyvaert will officially join the firm of De Langhe Attorneys. Werner is one of Belgium’s leading lawyers in the area of international taxation. Together with Managing Partner, Frank De Langhe and Partner Sara Burm, Werner will further develop the growth and strategy of the firm in the area of international tax law.

1 March 2018, Werner Heyvaert will officially join the firm of De Langhe Attorneys. Werner is one of Belgium's leading lawyers in the area of international taxa…

23 February 2018

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Recognised formation operator IAB
Belgian Institute of Accountants and Tax Consultants

We are pleased to announce that our firm De Langhe Attorneys has been officially recognised as formation operator by the Belgian Institute of Accountants and Tax Consultants (IAB) commencing 1 February 2018.

We are pleased to announce that our firm De Langhe Attorneys has been officially recognised as formation operator by the Belgian Institute of Accountants and Ta…

20 February 2018

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De Langhe Academy

De Langhe Attorneys organises seminars related to tax, commercial contracts and corporate law (M&A, acquisitions).

De Langhe Attorneys organises seminars related to tax, commercial contracts and corporate law (M&A, acquisitions).

20 February 2018

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De Langhe Attorneys guides the entry of Vybros in GeoXYZ

Vybros is joining forces with CEO and founder Patrick Reyntjens, who was elected West Flemish young entrepreneur of the year in 2015. Together, they aim to support GeoXYZ further and assist in its expansion.

Vybros is joining forces with CEO and founder Patrick Reyntjens, who was elected West Flemish young entrepreneur of the year in 2015. Together, they aim to supp…

13 February 2018

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Nieuwpoort also has to refund taxes on second homes!

Nieuwpoort loses the battle over taxes on second homes. This tax, which has 15 different rates, infringes the principle of equal treatment. This was the ruling of the Court of First Instance of Brugge after twelve second-homes owners had submitted a petition.

Nieuwpoort loses the battle over taxes on second homes. This tax, which has 15 different rates, infringes the principle of equal treatment. This was the ruling …

7 February 2018

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Additional ammunition to challenge second home tax

In twelve different rulings, owners who challenged the second home tax in Nieuwpoort were proved right. The court ruled that the tax violates the principle of equality and is therefore null and void. What are the consequences?

In twelve different rulings, owners who challenged the second home tax in Nieuwpoort were proved right. The court ruled that the tax violates the principle of e…

5 February 2018

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First Aid in case of Unannounced Tax Audits

The tax authorities have various options for collecting tax information. One of them is particularly useful: an unannounced visit to the (company) premises allows the tax authorities to collect the information at source. Even though this power is subject to conditions, entrepreneurs should prepare themselves for such visits in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

The tax authorities have various options for collecting tax information. One of them is particularly useful: an unannounced visit to the (company) premises all…

2 February 2018

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Reform of matrimonial property law: consequences for the family entrepreneur

At the end of 2017, the bill to reform the matrimonial property law was submitted to the Chamber. The bill contains a number of changes that will be important for entrepreneurs.

At the end of 2017, the bill to reform the matrimonial property law was submitted to the Chamber. The bill contains a number of changes that will be important…

1 February 2018

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Capital gains on shares for corporate tax payers in 2018 – pitfalls and opportunities

Through the press and social media, we received the message that the sale of the shares of RSC Anderlecht by minority shareholders had to be concluded before 31 December 2017 for tax reasons. What exactly are the changes relating to capital gains on taxation that were implemented by the summer agreement?

Through the press and social media, we received the message that the sale of the shares of RSC Anderlecht by minority shareholders had to be concluded before 31…

31 January 2018

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