
Privacy & Cookie Policy

De Langhe Advocaten respects the privacy of the visitors to this website and of the persons who communicate personal data to it. The information is handled confidentially, also by third parties who are responsible for the security of the data storage. By calling upon our services or by making use of our website, you consent to the collection and processing of your personal data in accordance with the applicable privacy legislation. The party responsible for the processing is BV De Langhe Advocaten, with address and contact information as mentioned above. We use your data exclusively for the processing of your request for information, for the execution of the assignments entrusted to us by you, for the proper functioning of our website and for direct communication with you concerning our operations, events, news reports or advertising. You have the right to request to see the information that relates to you. This information can possibly be corrected at your request. If you do not wish us to contact you within the framework of direct marketing, you can inform us free of charge and account will be taken thereof. Your data are not passed on for the benefit of third parties. For more information about our privacy policy:

We use cookies. This helps us to continually improve our website. As a result, we obtain information on the use of our website. Thus we know, for example, how many visitors we receive, which pages are most frequently viewed and for how long our site is visited. These cookies do not collect any personal information which could reveal the identity of the visitor. The information is anonymous. You can adapt the settings of your browser in order to delete or refuse cookies. By continuing on our website you agree with our use of cookies.